Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Almost there

The countdown continues, it now stands at three days and getting more nervous at every passing second!
The more often I seem to train the worse my lungs seem to get, its a conundrum to me. On the other hand, our recruits are growing, yay more people I know will witness my lung failure and possible death.

Nothing world changing has occurred in my life, all is going on as usual.
Looking forward to the Easter weekend as its as much of a holiday as I get, there's also that hidden bonus of copious amounts of chocolate. It is always fun watching a group of adults run around looking for easter eggs although I'm sure my neighbours think we're looking for our marbles. In my family, the adults usually have more fun then the children on Easter. It consists of one of them hiding the eggs, usually the one with the worst case of Alzheimers, this year I'm nominating my mom. The children are then letloose at a countdown from fifty, the adults then proceed to push the children out the way so they can get to the eggs first, once there they shout' "I can see one, I can see one", obviously getting everyone young enough not to know better excited. At this point they crush the children's excitement in one of two ways; either by grabbing the egg right in front of the overly excited eyes or by proclaiming 'Oh, it's nothing' and walking off to the next tree to repeat the performance. Easter for the children of my family has always been as much about the chocolate as the torture we have to endure.

However, this year events will occur differently as there are no children under the age of, well twenty-three actually, so the usual tricks to incite excitement will not work, everyone's strategy will need to change. I plan to adopt the 'each for their own' strategy. I will let you now how the events unfold.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Nine days to go...

Training for my 5km hasn't left me in as much physical pain as I had anticipated, all seems to be on track.
My work however isn't running as smoothly, or at all. Procrastination is one of the few skills I have mastered, it's taken years to perfect. Today I took full advantage of my fine tuned skill and managed to effortlessly avoid all forms of work.
When you actually search, although you don't really need to look very hard or long as there are so many, nevertheless you will be surprised how many websites there are with the primary function of wasting peoples time. If you have no idea what I'm goin on about go look at

So go forth, procrastinate, waste time and avoid the work piling up on your desk.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day Two

I have very few words for tonight. I've been waiting all day for inspiration to appear to me in any form however as I started running out off daylight I decided just to write that I have nothing to write.
Days are shorter nights longer, winter is on its way.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Start

Well, I've been planning to start a blog for awhile so I thought I would put an end to my 'pie crust promise' (easily made easily broken); and start one. This is the start of 'A Few Words' on whatever is on my mind!
My friend has convinced me or rather hasn't given me a choice about running the Two Oceans with her, only the 5km.
This wouldn't be an issue however I haven't done any form of exercise since last year. Yesterday I got off the couch and went for a run or a walk with short bouts of running. Today I went for my second run and realised why I had initial doubts. I'm not sure how this will end but one thing is for sure, you'll be the first to know!!