Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Challenge accepted

My intentions for this blog was to post various encounters of my relatively mundane existence. At first this worked however I haven't posted something in almost a year. I have numerous scribblings on scraps of paper which never quite made the journey to the keyboard. However this neglect has come to an end with the start of a new challenge.

The topic is not completely new as one of my first posts was about the same topic, an eminent running race, Previously, it was about the Two Oceans 5km marathon, which my friend had given me very little choice in entering, and I was preparing myself for it both mentally and physically. I plan to run it again this year, however it will be a mere 'warm up' to the main event which will take place on the 14th of July.

For sometime I have been looking for a challenge,, and recently someone presented me with an ambitious task, The Knysna Half Marathon. Take into account that even though I gym regularly, the idea of running only 10km's seems like an impossible task. Hence why 21km's is a very worthy and ambitious challenge. One which I gladly accepted. Anxiety shortly followed but then came excitement. The thrill of having something to work towards, train for and to ultimately accomplish. Then to tick it off my Bucket List.

This is all a build up to a bigger and more intriguing challenge, which takes place towards the end of the year, so I will divulge the details at a later date, so stay tuned.

For now, all my attention is focused on getting back into running and eventually come mid-July, reaching my now seemingly unattainable challenge. I have been given a surprising amount of encouragement from various people and of course some doubtful ones too. However, the Knysna Half Marathon is in over four months away, leaving me adequate time to train and reach my goal and maybe even exceed my own expectations.

I have the time and a running plan, so I must just do it, stick to it and then smash it!! So with a little bit of support and my shear will to succeed, I will not only endure the race but will run and finish the modest 21km's, I will cross over the finish line victorious. Don't be mistaken this is not to convince you, as much as it is to convince myself.

Come on a journey with me of challenging new tasks and reaching new heights.