Monday, February 04, 2013


"Hell isn't merely paved with good intentions; it's walled and roofed with them. Yes, and furnished too", these words by Aldous Huxley couldn't be more fitting. As much as I would like to find time everyday to sit down and write a few words, this rarely happens. This blog was theoretically a weekly journal but has resulted in a yearly reminder of unfinished plans. 

Even my blog posts are unfinished. My last entry was with regards to a new challenge, a 21km run.
Again, unfinished; well in this case it never started. Last year, I set a challenge to myself and I fully accepted and committed to the cause. I made a running plan, adjusted my eating - at least for a week. Okay fine, I didn't fully commit to it but I was determined to run the race regardless of the pain that would surely ensue. Jump to the day of the race, torrential rains storms in Knysna had washed away roads and taken with it any chance I had of completing my self-imposed challenge. Due to the amount of rainfall preceding the race, the race was cancelled. I was relieved and disappointed, mainly relived though. 

This year has begun with great speed and as I try to catch up with time, so will I try get you up to speed in events which embody, what one calls, my life.

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